Allison (Alli) Flowers
108 Verdun Avenue wMobile, AL 36606
To educate and enlighten educators and trainers about current trends and practices in technologies.
A positive attitude, flexible, energetic, organized, efficient and professional. Works well with others and works well independently as the situation warrants. Demonstrates keen analytical and problem solving skills and is able to learn quickly, adapting to the tasks at hand.
Academic/Tech Experience
Pathway Middle School, Mobile, AL 2017-present
Technology Coach
Title I Facilitator
Building Test Coordinator
Technology Support Teacher
LeFlore High School, Mobile, AL 1995-2017
Teacher, Chair – Electives Department
Title I Facilitator
Technology Support Teacher
Recipient of four Donor’s Choose projects for technology in the classroom
Taught: French I, II, III and IV, Creative Writing, and Language Remediation
Recipient of the Jordan Fundamentals Grant, 2004. This grant “recognizes outstanding teaching and instructional creativity in public secondary schools that serve economically disadvantaged students”
Researched on the Web to create the foreign language portion of http://tripforteachers.orgwhich is being used by Education Departments in other states
Served as Member, Textbook Adoption Committee for Mobile County: 1998, 2006
Served regularly as Member, Curriculum Writing Committee for Mobile County Public School System
Current & Past Non-Academic Technology Experience
Presenter, ISTE 2019, Leveraging Alexa as a review/test tool
Presenter, ISTE 2018, District-Wide Collaboration using Microsoft OneNote
Director of Customer Satisfaction for Ascendo, Inc.(DataVault and VidaLingua multi-language dictionaries)
Former Owner Just Another Geek Site
Co-host MS mobiles podcast and host of The Convertcast.
Senior Editor/Writer for
Product specialist, Toysoft Inc. (Attended Palm Inc. conference to train Palm sales reps on applications.)
Computerized Photo Restoration Specialist (Van’s Photo – 1993-1995): Used photo imaging software to restore old and damaged photographs; prepared sales brochures and other promotional materials for both in-house and outside companies using various publication software
Co-owned and operated Advanced Word Processing, Columbus and Bowling Green, OH
Microsoft Innovative Teacher (MIE)
Microsoft Word (MOS-Word)
Google Level 1 and 2 certified teacher
NearPod Certified Teacher
Currently enrolled at Keiser University Online Graduate program seeking a Ph.D. in Instructional Design and Technology
University of South Alabama, Mobile
M.Ed. in Education (including 9 hours of educational technology; Flash5, HyperStudio, MS Office, basic web design)
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
B.S. in French
Member of ISTE
Major, Alabama State Defense Force, Ret: S-1 Personnel Officer, Webmaster, and Recruiting Officer
Presenter at South Alabama Regional Instructional Consortium (SARIC): “Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum”
Fellow, Mobile Bay Writing Project, 1998